Monday, April 23, 2012

When it’s tough it isn’t easy !?!

Well I suppose that’s pretty obvious really, maybe what I should have said was "It isn’t easy when it’s tough"? Anyhow I’m just back from a trip away that I probably shouldn’t have gone on, and feeling it. The tides were good, the time of year not bad but the forecast was bad and.... I ignored it to my cost. So sure was I that I’d get a fish or two that would make it all worthwhile, as on previous occasions, I pressed ahead with my plans and tried everything I know to no avail. To be fair the howling NW winds would have pretty much guaranteed nothing had I stayed at home and fished but I hadn’t bargained on being caught out in some ferocious sleet, driven by 30 knt squalls, that had me hiding behind the rocks for up to twenty minutes  while the beach was torrented by those tiny balls of ice some of which were still visible in crevices 10mins after falling no wonder the fish had switched off.               
Can we have some nicer weather please!