Friday, July 27, 2012
Techniques for tough times?
I'm sure this is all pretty obvious to seasoned vets but to anyone starting out you could be wondering what the heck you're doing wrong at the moment so, for what its worth I'll stick my neck out and offer my thoughts. Unlike spring for example when the colder water temps change their behaviour causing early season fish to act more lethargically I think we are just fishing to less fish rather than uninterested fish. The fish I've caught this year have been just as willing to chase down lures and attack aggressively at times. The big difference this year, and to a point last, is that we're simply fishing to less fish. So, where I'd be hoping to catch half a dozen I'm VERY glad to pick up one and where I thought there was a chance of a single fish in the past, at the moment it's probably not worth bothering other than to practice techniques and familiarize in readiness for better times. So, I think, its not so much about changing techniques but more about being more focused on where and more importantly WHEN your best chances are, based on past experiences, which to be fair makes it very difficult if you don't have that behind you from past seasons. One way of increasing your chances for sure in good times or bad is to fish the changes light (Dusk or Dawn) or to night fish. From what I'm hearing and experiencing at the moment, by night fishing it IS still possible to match somewhere near average daytime fishing results of a better season so if that appeals it's probably the way to go when looking to increase your chances...